Рынок "Волокно"

Рынок "Волокно" рядом с

  • Широта, Долгота: 51.6704627, 36.0737642

Рынок "Волокно" часы работы

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Рынок "Волокно" Отзывы

Normal local small market. There is almost everything here: meat, dairy products, bakery and confectionery products, vegetables and fruits, fish, which is better not to take here, because it is frozen on the floor, clothes and shoes, bu …

I always buy butter at the Volokonovsky market. I travel specifically from the northwest. I am satisfied with the oil and the price is acceptable. Also, this butter seller also has delicious cheese, we also sometimes take it. There is also a large p …

From the market one name. There are only 5-6 stalls on a huge square. Clothes, gingerbread, household utensils. And all) And the mini-shops that are directed towards the road are normal, in all the sellers are polite and there is …

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